Lḵóot – Jilḵáat Storyboard

Ikaduwakaa and the Storyboard are part of the Doorways to the Past; Gateway to the Future project, cooperatively supported by the Chilkoot Indian Association, Haines Borough Public Library, and a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, a federal agency that fosters innovation, leadership, and lifelong learning.


Many of the listings contain references. Click below to view the references.

Reference Details
1Henry, Daniel. Personal Communication. 2012.      
2Champagne and Aishihik First Nations. Dän Kéyi Kwändur: Stories From Our Country. Whitehorse, Yukon Territory: Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Education Department, 2012. Print.   
3Hotch, Joe. Personal Interviews. 2012.      
4Emmons, George Thornton. The Tlingit Indians. New York: American Museum of Natural History. 1991. Print.   
5Hakkinen, Elisabeth S. Dictionary: People, Places And Events In Local History. Haines, AK: Sheldon Museum and Cultural Center. Date Unknown. Print.   
6Thornton, Thomas F. Haa Léelk’w Hás Aaní Saax’ú: Our Grandparent’s Names on the Land. Juneau: Sealaska Heritage Institute. 2012. Print.   
7Gates, Michael. Dalton’s Gold Rush Trail: Exploring the Route of the Klondike Cattle Drives. Madeira Park, BC: Harbor Publishing Co. Ltd., 2012. Print.   
8The Kohklux Map. Whitehorse, Yukon Territory: Yukon Historical and Museums Association, 1995. Print.    
9Cruikshank, Julie. Do Glaciers Listen?: Local Knowledge, Colonial Encounters, & Social Imagination. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005. Print.   
10McClellan, Catherine. My Old People Say: An Ethnographic Survey of Southern Yukon Territory. 2 vols. Mercury Series, Canadian Ethnology Service Paper 137. 1975. Reprint, Ottawa: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 2001.   
11Goldschmidt, Walter R., and Theodore H. Haas. Haa Aaní: Our Land.  Tlingit and Haida Land Rights and Use.  1998. Print.   
12Muir, John. Travels in Alaska. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1915. Google Books. Web. 30 Jan 2013.   
13Wiley, Anastasia. Personal Communication, 2013.      
14Hammond, Austin. “The Ownership of Chilkoot.” Haa Kusteeyí. Recorded and Translated by Nora Marks Dauenhauer. Raven House, Haines, August 1984   
15Wiley, Anastasia, and Burattin, Sally. “Viewing Cultural Landscapes through Tlingit Place Names.” Presentation at the Haines Borough Public Library. 21 February, 2013.   
16Henry, Daniel. “Kaalaxch’ and the Great Tyee: Moving Heaven and Earth in Klukwan.” Presentation at the Sheldon Museum and Cultural Center: 2012.   
17Davidson, George. “Observations at Kohklux, Chilkaht River, Alaska.” Report of the Superintendant of the United States Coast Survey. 1869.   
18“Indian Fishing.” Monographs from the Sheldon Museum. Sheldon Musuem and Cultural Center. Date Unknown.   
19Betts, Martha F. “The Subsistence Fishery of the Chilkat and Chilkoot Rivers.” Technical Paper 213. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence: 1994.   
20Heinmiller, Lee. Personal Communication. 2013.