Privacy Policy
-- Haat iyagu´t
Your mission is to share your stories about this place, and understand its name. |
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The Haines Borough Public Library strives to protect your privacy.
We will never share, sell, publish, or give out any information that you share with us, unless it is explicitly stated to be used as public content.
All website users agree by using this website to abide by our Respectful User Behavior policy:
Never post obscene, pornographic, or illegal content
Respect all copyrights and give credit where credit is due
Be culturally sensitive, and respect the history and opinions contained on this website
Show the utmost respect of other users on this site
Users are responsible for making sure they have permission to post any content perceived to be owned by an individual, group, or organization. When in doubt, ask for permission first!
User content submitted to this site, unless explicity stated, is the property of the person who made the post.
Persons under the age of 18 must have permission from their parents to post content on our sites and pages. For any posts created by minors it is assumed that parental guardian permission has been granted.
All comments and posts shared by users on this website, the Haines Library facebook page, the Ikaduwakaa/Storyboard facebook page, and within the Ikaduwakaa app are subject to moderation, review, and deletion by library staff at any time. Any public posts by users in Ikaduwakaa may be shared to the Storyboard Facebook page.
Ikaduwakaa and the Storyboard are part of the Doorways to the Past; Gateway to the Future project, cooperatively supported by the Chilkoot Indian Association, Haines Borough Public Library, and a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, a federal agency that fosters innovation, leadership, and lifelong learning.