Saak Aní (Eulachon Grounds)
-- Haat iyagu´t
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This was the site of an important fort owned by the Kaagwaantaan people of Klukwan. Between here and the L'uknax.adi -owned fort at Seven Mile, a traveler heading north entered lands generally controlled by the people of Klukwan. Thus this was a site to defend against anyone invading up the river from the south. This was also one of the main eulachon camps in the area [11]. Eulachon (pronounced 'hooligan') are a member of the smelt family, and have always been prized by the Tlingit people. These fish were gathered and allowed to ripen 10-14 days in a canoe half buried in sand. The canoe was then filled with water and scalding stones heated in a nearby fire. As the steaming mixture was stirred, oil rose to the top and was skimmed with large spoons. Residue was further pressed through woven baskets to claim all the precious oil. In later years, a container or pit was used in place of the canoe, but the process remained the same. [18]
Ikaduwakaa and the Storyboard are part of the Doorways to the Past; Gateway to the Future project, cooperatively supported by the Chilkoot Indian Association, Haines Borough Public Library, and a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, a federal agency that fosters innovation, leadership, and lifelong learning.