Tsísk'u G̱íl'i (Owl Cliff)

-- Haat iyagu´t

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Alternate Spelling: 
Ts'iskw gil'ee
English Name: 
The Eye
Download: File owl.wav

A well-known landmark, Owl Cliff helped to identify the home territory of the Chilkoot people. It "gave them the sense that they were home, that this was their home." [15]


United States
59° 20' 11.2056" N, 135° 32' 49.2" W

Ikaduwakaa and the Storyboard are part of the Doorways to the Past; Gateway to the Future project, cooperatively supported by the Chilkoot Indian Association, Haines Borough Public Library, and a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, a federal agency that fosters innovation, leadership, and lifelong learning.